What makes our practice different?
Dr. Oshiro is the owner/office manager and one of the three providers at Oshiro Pediatrics. It is very clear where the buck stops. It stops with him. Our practice is very detailed oriented. We try to get all the little things right. We do make mistakes, but we try to have a culture where mistakes are identified, not hidden. When we see a mistake happen, we try to change the process which led to the mistake. We believe that we can always do something better. We seek and value input from all of our staff members. I think that our practice runs better than most, but you will have to be the judge of that statement.
We encourage appointments for well and sick visits. If your child is VERY VERY sick, you should call 911. If your child is VERY sick, you should go to the emergency room. If your child is VERY sick and you think you should walk-in to our office, you are wrong. You should go to the emergency room. If your child is sick, call us and we will schedule a time for your child to come which the vast majority of the time can be the same day. If we can not see your child the same day, you can go to an urgent care or emergency room.
How do we prevent the spread of infection in our practice?
At Oshiro Pediatrics we are very concerned with infection control within the office. These are the measures which we take to decrease the chance that your child will get sick while at our office.
When you get to our office, our waiting area is divided into a sick and a well side. If your child is well, you should stay on the well side. There should be less germs. There are chlorox wipes in the waiting area which you can use. There is also alcohol hand disinfectant which you can use in the waiting area. The most important thing, however, is that you are usually in the waiting area for only about 15 minutes. Less time being exposed means less chance of being exposed.
Once you are brought back to an exam room, there are additional germ countermeasures. Every exam room has hand disinfectant which you can use. Many of the rooms have two hand disinfectant dispensors. We use new table paper with each patient. We thoroughly disinfect all of our exam room before lunch. Since we have 8 exam rooms at our office, each exam room is only used about 3-4 times per half day. Less patients per exam room means less germs per exam room.
Dr. Oshiro, Dr. Hom, and DNP Cerdan are fastidious hand washers/hand disinfectant users. Dr. Oshiro changes his white lab coat 2 times a day so germs from the late morning sick patients do not go to the early afternoon well patients. Our staffing levels are higher than at most other pediatric offices. This means that our staff have the time to wash/disinfect their hands.
Our reception area and bathrooms have chlorox wipes available for your use. We have 15 HEPA filters at the office.
When is the best time to call to schedule appointments?
We start answering the telephones at 8 am. Many people call between 8 am-10 am to schedule same day sick appointments for their children, If you want a same day sick appointment for the afternoon, you might want to call between 10 am-11:30 am when the phones are not so busy.
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are typically our busiest days of the week. The best month to schedule an appointment is September right after school starts. It is our slowest time of the year.
Where should I go if the office is closed? What are my Emergency Room options?
Over the Rainbow is an urgent care which specializes in pediatrics.
For emergency care for our patients, Oshiro Pediatrics recommends hospitals which have pediatric emergency medicine specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These hospitals include Sunrise Hospital (on Maryland Pkwy), UMC HOSPITAL (on W. Charleston), and St. Rose Sienna (St. Rose Pkwy/Eastern Ave.). Additionally, Summerlin Hospital has this type of coverage most, but not all of the time. Check to make sure which hospital your insurance company will cover.
How can I get blood work done?
You can now make an appointment at Quest to have your blood drawn. You can schedule it via their website-www.questdiagnostics.com/appointment or you can call 1-888-277-8772.
Where can I get child care?
Dr. Oshiro and Dr. Hom took both of their children to UUMCDC. UUMCDC stands for University United Methodist Church Child Development Center. Their children went there from 1999-2007. It is very close to our office. Call them at 733-7157 or check out their website at uumcdc.org.
Where can I purchase the cool decor in your office?
Many people have asked about purchasing some of the decorations on the walls at Oshiro Pediatrics. Click on the links below to purchase through Amazon.com.
Can you recommend any family friendly games?
This game is so fun for a family game night that I had to let our community of patients know about it. Our older daughter is back from college for her winter break and our family just had a nerve wracking game that went down to the last card. Even though I was on the losing end, it was a blast! This is the first time I've recommended a game on our Facebook page, so believe me when I say it's fun!