Cigna Care designation

Oshiro Pediatrics is happy to take care of patients with Cigna insurance! Our providers are Cigna Care designated. To quote Cigna, "Those physicians who are in the highest group for their results on quality measures and who also have the most cost-efficient group results as compared to their peers in their market receive a Cigna Care designation. As a benefit of selecting a Cigna Care designated physician, these individuals may have a lower coinsurance or copay than they would if they were to select a participating, non-Cigna Care designated physician."

To see a complete list of Cigna Care providers near Oshiro Pediatrics, click on the link.

While at the time I am writing this, the above statements are true, please check with Cigna as to our current status and their current policy. Things can change and Dr. Oshiro may be busy taking care of patients rather than updating the website!